Transitions are hard to navigate. Some happen so fast your coffee does not get a chance to cool down before they happen. Others, seem to drag on and on, like slow moving molasses, and those can even be just as sticky.
I was ordained in July of this year, 24 years after I decided to enter into ministry. In September of this year, I received a call from my home church, Desert Dove Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) as their Associate Pastor. I was called at the same time that our senior minister, Rev. Kathleen Day was also called. Pastor Kathleen is a .6 FTE Pastor and I am a .4 FTE Pastor. Together we serve a small congregation on the southwest side of Tucson.
We are a small church, but we do great things. For the past year we have engaged in what we are calling our "YIGBY" process, That translates to "Yes In God's Back Yard." To live into that vision, we sold 2.5 vacant acres of our property, in partnership with City, County and State officials. We sold that land so that 63-64 units of 1,2, and 3 bedroom affordable apartments are being built. Construction is underway and they are framing the forms for the foundations as this is written. This effort assists in our mission to be God's hands and feet in an area of town that is in desperate need for affordable housing.
On-site, the complex will have a Community building which will house a pantry, meeting spaces, and commercial fridge. Additionally, the apartment management company will offer client social services as well as job training opportunities. These apartments will rent for a little over half of what the market rate rents are here in Tucson.
Exciting things are happening and we await welcoming new families to the neighborhood. This will also enhance our ability to better serve the families of the area and bolster the efforts of our food pantry which we operate in a nearby elementary school.
These types of transitions are easy (Even working with developers and contractors.). The transitions that are not easy are the ones we face as a society. We do not know what the next four years will bring to us, but if we keep faithful to God, keep being God's voice here in the wilderness, we can accomplish great things. We can be a strong voice for the marginalized who have little-to-no voice in our present society. God asks us to 'do justice and love kindness and to walk humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8)." God will walk this journey with us and we will respond with a prophetic voice when we are called to be in solidarity with and in service to others in God's name.
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