Haven't added to this blog for awhile, partly because I'm still wondering which direction to take in my writings. Which also is the story of my life's journey in many ways: which directions do I take?
I'm a progressive minister, serving a small church in Tucson,Arizona; a church struggling to find its identity. In recent years there's some emerging clarity on where my identity may be hiding, but I'm still, in some respects, dealing with that question. Recently the realization has come that there's a need to lighten up considerably. This goes along with the realization that there's a God to trust and a direction to follow, not so much a need of trying so hard to hang on and control everything.
The story about the mountain climber comes to mind: A guy is mountain climbing and he comes to the edge of a small cliff. Suddenly the ground gives way and he starts falling, stopping himself only with the luck of a small tree growing out of the side of cliff. Hanging on for dear life he hears the word of God calling and telling him, "It is OK to let go, I have you." Whereupon he thinks for a moment and says, "Is anybody else up there?"
I've also been there, but arriving to the point where I could now say, given the same circumstance, "O.K., here I go," and then let go of the tree. Now that I've said that, there's still lingering fear, but also a sense of relief and acceptance. Hopefully no cliffs will give way in the near future to test this newly declared sentiment.......
So, as I try and figure where I'm going and where this blog is going, guess we'll just explore ahead together and see where we end up. It'll be an interesting journey...
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