Monday, April 11, 2011


Good morning! I know this wierd, I am writing this so soon after my last post, but there is news to tell. I have been accepted into Seminary! Lexington Theological Seminary has accepted me for classes, which will start in May. It seems so surreal. Here I was, a high school dropout, now I am going to get my Master's Degree in Divinity. It's hard to sometimes imagine...

I am alternately thrilled and yet terrified. Am I up for it? Can I do this? I know that if I place my trust in God, I will be successful. We'll get through this, and I have the support of my wonderful sweatheart who is my number one fan. With love like that on your side, how can you fail? Impossible, I say. Well, need to get ready for work, everyone have a truly WONDERFUL day!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Well, Quarterly it is. Here it is April first and this is the first time I have had the opportunity to post anything in this space. Seems like I have been on a whirlwind since January. The church I pastored for over 6 years closed. I am now working a temporary job, but it isn't enough for the bills. Looking to find a flexible schedule job that has a decent income. Where are they? Hopefully one will be found. On another front, I have officially applied to Graduate School. Tonight, I clicked the submit button on my application to Lexington Theological Seminary. Looking for a Master's in Divinity, that will lead to full ordination and another church pastorate. If accepted, I will be able to post my adventures in Seminary for all to see...does anyone ever read blogs these days? You can take the journey with me. It should be an exciting path of discovery, since the Seminary is online. Three to five years of study and some face-to-face time at the Seminary itself. What an adventure! Speaking of adventures, this last weekend I went to Bethany WV. Nice tiny little town just west of Pittsburgh, PA. STayed at Bethany College, one of our church's oldest colleges. In our spare time, we went to see the home of one of our founders, Alexander Campbell, who started Bethany College in the 1840's or so. Across the street from his home there is a graveyard where he and many of his family are buried. Called God's Acre, you have to climb over a 4' tall stone fence to enter it. And.... what's really weird is once you come over the wall, you come face to face with a mailbox.... Yes, a mailbox. Now I know the sign on the front of it said Cemetery information, but seriously you get the first idea of who is getting mail here? After all, they are not a very lively group, the residents of the place. Oh well, it works for them I guess. All in all, had a great trip to WV, hope I get to go to the conference being held there next year. That's all for now I guess. I'll be back soon. (Hopefully with good news about Seminary acceptance.)